
Clinical Supervision

One-on-one or small group

The analysis of non-specific factors, such as the variables related to the therapist and the therapeutic relationship, gained greater importance during the work of Kohlemberg and Tsai in 1987, according to Braga and Vandenberghe (2006). Considering this view, the target of analysis became not only the client’s behavior, but also the therapist’s behavior, because the therapist’s own behaviors are control variables about client behavior (Braga and Vandenberghe, 2006; Cirino, 2002). Thus, it was understood that personal characteristics of the therapist can affect the therapeutic process and influence the process effectiveness. Considering that it is a relation of mutual influence, both can act on each other with different functions.

Therefore, the therapeutic process requires therapist skills that go beyond theoretical and technical knowledge, and the therapeutic relationship is an essential variable for the success in a behavioral psychotherapy. Consultation of clinical processes is a key learning and growth resource for the development of therapist skills, as well as personal development and self-awareness.

During our collaborative work, we will consider and practice some of the skills involved in behavioral change, providing feedback, and effectively communicating with clients, balancing perspective, goals, values, and emotional flexibility. We will use the principles of functional analysis to understand complex client’s problems. We will work on developing your personal style so that you are genuine, clear about the values ​​you bring in your therapeutic relationship and work, and on skills that will lead you to an efficient and authentic Psychotherapeutic work, staying true to evidence-based treatments.

Consultation can be scheduled one-on-one or in small groups (check availability and start date).

Contact us to schedule an appointment


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